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Understanding Antara Addresses

The method of transferring module-related assets is often slightly different than the typical Smart Chain transaction.

When making a transaction on a Smart Chain, you normally deal with a sending address and a receiving address. To move coins, you might use methods such as sendtoaddress or z_sendmany.

When using Antara, however, there are a few new types of addresses to keep in mind when working with transactions. It is not necessary to fully understand all of the address types; only a general understanding is needed.

The first address you must understand is the pubkey. Any user using an Antara based module must have a pubkey indicated in their daemon. This forms the basis for all addresses related to various modules.

To get a pubkey, launch the chain with the normal launch parameters and execute the getnewaddress API command.

./komodo-cli -ac_name=HELLOWORLD getnewaddress

This will return a new address:


Now, execute the validateaddress command.

./komodo-cli -ac_name=HELLOWORLD validateaddress DO_NOT_USE_ADDRESSgg2ionaes1J5L786

This will return a json object with many properties. In the properties you will see:

"pubkey": "DO_NOT_USE_ADDRESS019a79b0921a1be6d3ca6f9e8a050feb14eb845fe46b9d756"

This is will be your module pubkey; you must now indicate it to the daemon.

To do this, first stop the daemon.

./komodo-cli -ac_name=HELLOWORLD stop

Then relaunch your daemon using the required parameters, and make sure to include your pubkey as an additional parameter. For example:

./komodod -ac_name=HELLOWORLD -ac_supply=777777 -ac_cc=777 -pubkey=DO_NOT_USE_ADDRESS019a79b0921a1be6d3ca6f9e8a050feb14eb845fe46b9d756

The daemon will now use the above pubkey as the basis for all addresses used for the different modules.

To discover the addresses the pubkey provides, you will typically use an address related API command from the list of available commands of your chosen module. For example, the faucetaddress command would return a response like this:

  "result": "success",
  "FaucetCCaddress": "R9zHrofhRbub7ER77B7NrVch3A63R39GuC",
  "Faucetmarker": "RKQV4oYs4rvxAWx1J43VnT73rSTVtUeckk",
  "GatewaysPubkey": "03ea9c062b9652d8eff34879b504eda0717895d27597aaeb60347d65eed96ccb40",
  "FaucetCCassets": "RQ3ZQycSBM5MPPEopxoEC6R7VLRo1Fmk6f",
  "myCCaddress": "RReGLfH2MTrkeLSepkVy5vnQPE29g7KofS",
  "myaddress": "RJYiWn3FRCSSLf9Pe5RJcbrKQYosaMburP"

FaucetCCaddress is the address that corresponds to the default Faucet module.

myCCaddress is the address your node uses for interacting with the Faucet module. This is the user address for managing funds in an Antara module.

The myaddress property is the normal address that corresponds to your pubkey. This is the user's address for the Smart Chain's main coin.

For readers who are curious, the letters "CC" are an abbreviation of an internal technology that all Antara modules use while creating unique addresses.

The use-cases of the different addresses depends on the functionality in question, and the desired outcome.

Also, each module has its own API commands for moving coins or tokens. For example, the Tokens module offers the tokentransfer method.